1. When was Robert Burns born?
2. Where was Robert Burns born?
3. When did he die?
4. Where did he die?
5. What was his wife's 'maiden' name?
6. How many children did they have?
7. Try to name them.
8. Name all of the farms he lived on.
9. After giving up farming, what occupation did Robert Burns finally
take up?
10. Who was 'Poosie Nansie'?
11. With what does one associate the village of Tarbolton?
12. Who/what was 'Jenny Geddes'?
13. Who/what was 'Poor Mailie'?
14. Who were Sylvander and Clarinda?
15. Name the title of Robert Burns's most famous patriotic song.
16. Name the title of Robert Burns's most famous international song.
17. Who/what was the 'Great Chieftain O' the Puddin' Race?
18. Can you give the name by which the 'First Edition' of Robert
Burns's poems was known?
19. How old was Robert Burns when he died?
20. Robert Burns wrote about the 'Flora and Fauna' of his country
in his poems. Name as many of each as you can.
here for the answers