To Agnes McLehose (Clarinda)[20th December? 1787]Your last, my dear Madam, had the effect on me that Job’s situationhad on his friends, when “they sat down seven days and seven nightsastonied, and spake not a word.” — “Pay my addresses to a marriedwoman!” I started, as if I had seen the ghost of him I had injur’d: Irecollected my expressions; some of them indeed were, in the lawphrase, “habit and repute,” which is being half guilty.— I cannotpositively say, Madam, whether my heart might not have gone astraya little; but I can declare upon the honor of a Poet that the vagranthas wandered unknown to me—I have a pretty handsome troop ofFollies of my own; and, like some other people’s retinue, they arebut undisciplined blackguards: but the luckless rascals havesomething of honor in them; they would not do a dishonest thing.-To meet with an unfortunate woman, amiable and young; desertedand widowed by those who were bound by every tie of Duty, Natureand Gratitude, to protect, comfort and cherish her; add to all, whenshe is perhaps one of the first of Lovely Forms and Noble Minds, theMind too that hits one’s taste as the joys of Heaven do a Saint—should a vague infant-idea, the natural child of Imagination,thoughtlessly peep over the fence—were you, My Friend, to sit injudgement, and the poor, airy Straggler brought before you,trembling self-condemned; with artless eyes, brimful of contrition,looking wistfully on its Judge—you could not, My dear Madam,condemn the hapless wretch to “death without benefit of Clergy?”I won’t tell you what reply my heart made to your raillery of “SevenYears;” but I will give you what a brother of my trade says on thesame allusion—The Patriarch to gain a wifeChaste, beautiful and young,Serv’d fourteen years a painful lifeAnd never thought it long:0 were you to reward such cares, And life so long would stay,Nor fourteen but four hundred yearsWould seem but as one day!I have written you this scrawl because I have nothing else to do, andyou may sit down and find fault with it if you have no better way ofconsuming your time; but finding fault with the vaguings of a Poet’sfancy is much such another business as Xerxes chastising the wavesof Hellespont.—My limb now allows me to sit in some peace; to walk I have yet noprospect of, as I can’t mark it to the ground.—I have just now looked over what I have written, and it is such achaos of nonsense that I daresay you will throw itinto the fire, andcall me an idle, stupid fellow; but whatever you think of my brains,believe me to be, with the most sacred respect, and heart-felt esteem,My Dear Madam, your humble servantRobt BurnsLetter Index |