McDonald is firmly established as Scotland's leading
musical minstrel. In addition to Television, Radio & stage appearances
world wide, he is a prolific recording artiste & can be heard on a
variety of labels. Alastair`s programme is selected from a vast repertoire
of traditional, contemporary & original material. Born in Glasgow
in 1941, Alastair emigrated to Australia with his family at the age of
eight & growing up there, during a period in the outback, developed
an interest in "home made" entertainment. Four years later he
returned to Scotland just in time to be excited by the emerging pop scene
& in particular, skiffle" music, a fusion of American folk song
with overlaid jazz influences, spearheaded by Lonnie Donegan. With a variety
of local groups, he played in hospitals, old folks` homes, Churches, ceilidhs
& even back court concerts for political campaigns & for many
of his young years was a leading banjo player in the jazz scene of the
period (winner of the award for best banjo player Elgin Jazz Festival
1962). As the years passed, Alastair`s musical horizons extended &
in 1973 he was invited to co-host a new TV show of Scottish music entitled
"Songs of Scotland" in the company of baritone Peter Morrison,
with whom he has maintained a working relationship to this day. After
only a few screenings, the viewing public responded so positively that
the series continued year upon year, taking Alastair`s music into variety
shows, pantomimes & plays throughout Scotland - and the world. Alastair`s
commitment has always been to entertain, but he has fought to do so on
terms he believes to be valuable. "Give them what they want..."
is a maxim that he finds quite unacceptable. He strives instead to offer
that which he considers to be wholesome, helpful, uplifting, cautionary,
loving & entertaining - "Filling time for an audience & not
just passing it!", he says.
Alastair McDonald has been a performer on a full time basis since 1970
& has built up a successful career not only in his native Scotland,
but on numerous occasions has been invited to take his own style of musical
entertainment to locations as diverse as America, Canada, Germany, Denmark,
Israel, Thailand, East Africa & the Arab Emirates. Never one to be
easily tied down to pigeon-hole categories, he is probably best known
as "...the folk singing jazz banjo-player from Scotland..."
except for those areas in which he's known as "...the Scottish jazz
banjo-playing folk singer..." ! Alastair`s radio & TV credits
are too numerous to list here, likewise his record & tape releases,
but even without these, the fact that he was invited twice within the
space of three years to front a coast to coast touring show across Canada
& the United States (every state except Hawaii & Alaska!) must
surely speak for itself. His concert programme can vary from a Scottish
historical ballad to a humorous music hall ditty - from a Gaelic lament
to a hand clapping American Negro Gospel song - not mere versatility for
its own sake, but rather a genuine desire to share some of the very best
at an entertaining & contextual level. You will find Alastair McDonald
equally at home in a jazz club, folk club, variety show, theatre, concert
hall or Church - not because he tailors his performance to the venue of
the moment, but rather, as a confessing Christian, believes that a solid,
entertaining, wholesome, uncompromising, thought provoking repertoire
should know no bounds or require an apology wherever it may be performed.
In his book, "One Singer - One Song", writer, singer & storyteller
Ewan McVicar describes Alastair McDonald as having "...sung with
the Scottish Radio Orchestra, played banjo in countless jazz bands, accompanied
traditional Gaelic singers & performed as pantomime dame...".
Ewan goes on to muse that perhaps it`s that very versatility that brings
him under fire from self appointed purists that seem to have difficulty
doing one thing well. Interesting thought, Ewan! Having enjoyed over the
years the company & respect of established figures like Josh McRae,
Dominic Behan, Morris Blythman, Matt McGinn, Billy Connelly, Hamish Imlach,
The Stewarts of Blair et (practically) al, Alastair continues to perform
mainly in Scotland, although through the `90s he made frequent appearances
at jazz festivals in Denmark where his banjo & vocals have been received
enthusiastically by Danes blissfully undiverted by dancing centipedes
or Glencoe massacres (!) - speaking of which, it seems Alastair has the
rare ability of lifting a song directly from the written page & into
the hearts & minds of the listening public, as the repertoires of
more than a few of his fellow performers will reveal. Festival appearances
in the past have included Orkney, Aberfeldy, Glenfarg, Auchtermuchty,
Newtonmore, Girvan, Edinburgh (Fringe and Jazz!) & Irvine's Marymass
Festival. Also two tours of Canada & the United States as well as
brief forays in the directions of Caernarfon, Wurtsburg, Nairobi &
Bangkok! If you would like to consider Alastair for an appearance at your
festival or concert, he can be contacted through Corban Records.
joining BBC Radio 3 as a presenter, Kirsteen spent four years as Director
of the Scottish Music Information Centre in Glasgow where she worked
with Scottish composers and a fascinating archive of Scottish music
of all periods. Funding applications were not for her, but she is still
passionate about the subject.
Born into a musical family - her father, Bill McCue, was principal bass
with Scottish Opera for thirty years - Kirsteen sang in the RSNO Junior
Chorus and played cello in the National Youth Orchestra of Scotland.
A degree in music and Scottish literature at the University of Glasgow
led to the Snell Exhibition to Oxford where she did a doctorate on those
folksong arrangements! She still sings, has an on-going affair with
the opera, and a secret passion for musicals!

Jack is one of those very special performers of Burns Work. He not only
recites Burns, he brings it to life in his theatrical presentations
of Tam O Shanter, in which he charges through his audience, jumping
from chair to table whilst galloping through the Burns masterpiece.
His address to the Haggis is superb, and his very full costumed portrayal
of Holly Willie is not to be missed.