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What makes a Burns Supper?
Background Many
would argue that there are strict guidelines and observances that must
be followed to create a "true" Burns Supper. Whilst in practice
this may be true for the most dedicated Burns celebrations, it may not
be wholly representative of a modern society comprising those who would
rightly choose to celebrate Robert Burns, their Scottish Culture &
Heritage in a less formal manner.
Many of the long standing Burns Suppers are strictly "men only" affairs reflecting the historic nature of the celebration, and this is no doubt a proud tradition that will continue. Increasingly however, many organised Burns Suppers are "mixed company" which is helping to introduce more women to Burns and brings a greater social balance to the proceedings. (Do I hear howls of derision from the Burns purists?) The "all male" domain has been diluted so much over the years that women now play an important role in the Burns Supper, giving balance & female perspective through their toasts, recitals and song .. not to mention the vast improvement in the visual content !. So what is the purpose of a Burns Supper?
What are the principle components of a Traditional Burns Supper? The following is a broad list of the key elements of a Burns Supper:-
The Running Order.
Chairman's Welcome:- The Chairman welcomes everyone and introduces the top table guests , speakers & entertainers. Selkirk Grace (prayer before meal) :- A small, but none the less important part for someone to carry out, with a rendition of The Selkirk Grace
The Address to the Haggis:- The appointed person now gives a resounding and animated recital of the Address to a Haggis . At the appropriate time (during the line "An cut you up wi ready slight" meaning "and cut you up with skill") the speaker takes his knife, and with a great flourish, cuts the length of the haggis, "trenching its gushing entrails" (digging its innards) in a visible and dramatic fashion. The recital concludes with the speaker presenting aloft the Haggis in triumphant praise during the final line "Gie her a Haggis!" (Give her a Haggis!) The assembled audience applaud. Toast to the Haggis:- The Speaker now asks the audience to share in a toast to the Haggis. Everyone, including the other members of the procession stands and raises their glass to "The Haggis!" The Piper once again begins to play and leads the procession, bearing the "cut" Haggis, out of the room in readiness for the meal. Again the audience clap in time to the music until the procession has left. The Meal:- The meal is now served (usually with appropriate background music).
First Entertainer:- The Chairman introduces the first entertainer which could be a singer, a Burns recital, or musician. Favourite recitals include Tam O Shanter - Holly Willie's Prayer - To A Louse - A Man's A Man For A' That. Songs include My Luve Is Like A Red, Red Rose - Rantin, Rovin Robin - John Anderson, My Jo - Ae Fond Kiss
Second Entertainer - Further appropriate entertainment.
Third Entertainer - suitable entertainment as before. The "Reply" to the Toast to the Lassies - In mixed company, a woman will prose a suitable "reply" to the previous toast.. thanking the speaker on behalf of the women for his "kind" words! Again, this will be humorous, using reference to Robert Burns and the women in Burns's life. This is a chance for the women to "get their own back" on the men! Again, the challenge is to find a balance between humour and sincerity concluding on a suitably positive note. Final entertainment Vote of Thanks - A short speech thanking everyone who has made the event a success, from Chairman to Chef etc. Auld
Lang Syne -
The Chairman concludes the evening by asking everyone to
do I organise my own less formal Burns Supper?
in my house!
When? How
many people are needed? To be honest, not that many people are needed .its up to you. A small group of 8 or 10 friends makes for a superb evening of fun. If your home can hold 20 then why not .or equally 4 to 6 people can easily share in the Burns celebration. So do not let numbers be an issue! What
needs to be organised? At
one end of the spectrum, you should plan your guest list and decide which
of That
being said, the more of your guests who get involved, the better the event
will be. Often, some people will feel embarrassed about their role, and
no one should be forced into it. If they do make a mess of it
.youre all friends after all! Remember the golden rule
Fun! Try and plan the event well in advance to allow your guests to prepare.
Tell them to visit us here at The World Burns Club for information and
assistance. Finally, you need to organise the meal itself
and most
people will tell you
.preparation of this very special meal is quite
straightforward. Note:
We are aware that unless you live here in Scotland, getting the truly
authentic Scottish ingredients for your Burns Supper can be a problem.
Of course, here at the World Burns Club, we have thought of that, and
offer you a complete solution with our authentic Burns Supper package
which can be found in the Burns shop. What
should be the Agenda? As
best as possible, follow the running order of the traditional Burns Supper
(described earlier in this article), and include as many of the component
parts as possible. However, change it to suit your preferences. As
host, you could be Chairman (or chairwoman). If you are unable to have
someone carry out the The Immortal Memory, simply propose
the toast alone
and miss out the speech. If none of your friends
plays the bagpipes!
.play a recording of Scottish music. If no one
can recite a poem from memory
.read it! If you do not know how to
pronounce the words in Burns writings
dont worry
give it a go. You do not need to develop Sean Connerys accent or
employ Mel As
a minimum, all guests should wear clothes!
.although a naked Burns
Supper might add an interesting dimension! (photographs please) If you
want to enter into the spirit
.go for full Highland Dress
tuxedos and cocktail dresses with the odd tartan bow tie, heather buttonhole,
or tartan sash. Jeans and t-shirt are just fine too. Its what you do,
and the fun you have, that is important. Why
do it at all! Ask
this question after your event. I bet it will be one of the most pleasurable
evenings of fun youve ever had! Your friends will talk about it
for years to come. It will probably become an annual event! In addition,
you may just learn a little more about that truly remarkable man, Rabbie
Burns, and that is important for us here at The World Burns Club. Whether
you are a beginner or an expert, we can all learn more about Robert Burns,
and in doing so, enrich our lives. Join in the greatest celebration of
Scotland, Scottish culture and proud Scottish heritage. Have
a great time !
.and please write and tell us about your event
us your pictures too! Also, feel free to discuss this topic in the Discussion
by Mac at the World Burns Club Jan 2000 |