My Soger Laddie
My soger laddie, I lang hae lo'ed weel,
Now nearer my heart I tender thee still:
To Country thou'rt loyal, to friendship thou'rt steady,
My blessin gae wi' thee, my soger laddie.
My soger laddie gaed over the sea,
And there he wan fame and laurels to me;
And now her embraces thy country has ready
To welcome thee hame, my soger laddie.
My Soldier Lad
My soldier lad, I long have loved well,
Now nearer my heart I tender you still:
To Country you are loyal, to friendship you are steady,
My blessing go with you, my soldier lad.
My soldier lad went over the sea,
And there he won fame and laurels to me;
And now her embraces your country has ready
To welcome you home, my soldier lad.