O a' ye hymeneal powers
That rule the essence-mixing hours!
Whether in eastern monarch's bow'rs
Or Greenland caves,
A nuptial scene in Machlin tow'rs
Your presence craves.
Threescore-fyfteen, a blooming bride,
This night with seventy-four is ty'd;
O mak the bed baith saft an' wide
Wi' canie toil,
An' lay them gently side by side,
At least a while.
O all you hymeneal powers
That rule the essence-mixing hours!
Whether in eastern monarch's bowers
Or Greenland caves,
A nuptial scene in Machlin towers
Your presence craves.
Threescore-fifteen, a blooming bride,
This night with seventy-four is tied;
O make the bed both soft and wide
With gentle toil,
And lay them gently side by side,
At least a while.