Buy broom besoms! Wha will buy them now?
Fine heather ringers, better never grew.
Young and souple was I, when I lap the dyke;
Now I'm auld and frail, I douna step a syke.
Young and souple was I, when at Lautherslack,
Now I'm auld and frail, and lie at Nansie's back.
Had she gien me butter, when she gae me bread,
I wad looked baulder, wi' my beld head.
Buy broom sweeping brushes! Who will buy them now?
Fine heather ringers, better never grew.
Young and supple was I, when I leaped the dyke(stone wall);
Now I am old and frail, I dare not step a ditch.
Young and supple was I, when at Lautherslack,
Now I am old and frail, and lie at Nansie's back.
Had she given me butter, when she gave me bread,
I would looked bolder, with my bald head.