Blythe Hae I Been On Yon Hill
Blythe hae I been on yon hill
As the lambs before me,
Careless ilka thought, and free
As the breeze flew o'er me.
Now nae langer sport and play
Mirth or sang can please me:
Lesley is sae fair and coy,
Care and anguish seize me.
Heavy, heavy is the task,
Hopeless love declaring!
Trembling, I dow nocht but glow'r,
Sighing, dumb despairing!
If she winna ease the thraws
In my bosom swelling,
Underneath the grass-green sod
Soon maun be my dwelling.
Blythe Have I Been On Yonder Hill
Blythe have I been on yonder hill
As the lambs before me,
Careless every thought, and free
As the breeze flew over me.
Now no longer sport and play
Mirth or song can please me:
Lesley is so fair and coy,
Care and anguish seize me.
Heavy, heavy is the task,
Hopeless love declaring!
Trembling, I can do nothing but stare,
Sighing, dumb despairing!
If she will not ease the throes
In my bosom swelling,
Underneath the grass-green sod
Soon must be my dwelling.