She mourns, sweet tuneful youth, thy hapless fate:
Tho' all the powers of song thy fancy fir'd,
Yet Luxury and Wealth lay by in State,
And thankless, starv'd what they so much admir'd.
This humble tribute with a tear he gives,
A brother Bard - he can no more bestow:
But dear to fame thy Song immortal lives,
A nobler monument than Art can show.
She mourns, sweet tuneful youth, your hapless fate:
Though all the powers of song your fancy fired,
Yet Luxury and Wealth lay by in State,
And thankless, starved what they so much admired.
This humble tribute with a tear he gives,
A brother Bard - he can no more bestow:
But dear to fame your Song immortal lives,
A nobler monument than Art can show.