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The Scotsman newspaper ( ) is once again running its famous Haggis Hunt and says...

"The highlight of the sporting year, the great Scottish Haggis Hunt, has begun again.

For those of you not familiar with this arcane piece of Scottish culture, the game is simple. There's no need to brave the cold if you want to hunt, no need to douse yourself in whisky to mask your scent (though there is nothing to stop you doing that for a more authentic experience) and no need to creep around in the damp heather or sit shivering in the biting winds hoping to catch a glimpse of a haggis. 

Log on to between now and 25 January (Burns Night) and browse through our ten webcams. If you see a haggis on the screen, click the button beside the image and you could win a luxury stay worth (GBP) 2,000 at Edinburgh's Scotsman hotel.

As well as eight live cams showing beautiful Scottish scenery, we've added two more in London and New York to capture the Scottish diaspora. There is also a "haggis arcade" with games that allow you to sharpen your haggis-hunting skills.

Last year, the hunt attracted 1.7 million page impressions in just two months. Its influence was shown by a recent survey that showed that one in three US tourists thought that haggii were real creatures. Which obviously they are!"

Happy hunting .......

Farquhar Farquharson

Head Ghillie

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