Myton School, Warwick, England staged a musical "Burns" during November. The Music was written by Ray Kelly,the music teacher who is also a member of the Jolly Beggars, Tam O Shanter, club Coventry. Members of the Beggars attended the opening night and were impressed with the enthusiasm of the actors/pupils, the presentation of the play and enjoyed a very entertaining evening. The
musical is based around the poets association with I have sent a copy of the programme to the editor of "The Burnsian", (The annual publication of The Robert Burns World Federation - free with membership!) with the intention of bringing the musical to the attention of schools in Scotland who might like to stage the musical. Ray Kelly can be contacted at Myton School in Warwick or I can be contacted at the Jolly Beggars, Tam O Shanter Club, Hertford Place, Coventry, George Leitch, secretary, Jolly Beggars. Well done to Myton
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