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A Tribute to Highland Mary

Once again, regular visitor Frank Campbell has contributed one of his poetic tributes…..this time turning his attention to Highland Mary


The author's sentiments
on Highland Mary:

Robert Burns courted Highland Mary and made arrangements to meet in a sequestered spot by the forks of the rivers Fail and Ayr, on the second Sunday in May.
The meeting was to arrange for their leaving Scotland together and sailing for the West Indies. Robert presented Mary with an inscribed Bible telling of his Love for her.
They were to meet in the town of Greenock, where they would board the steamer 'Nancy' and head for Jamaica.
In the earlier books on Burns there appears to be a controversy on - how she died, the date of her death and burial, and if there really existed some one called Mary. Although there is a statue to Mary in Greenock overlooking the River Clyde, still among Historians the question still remains today,

'Was there a Mary -
or was it a fantasy?

This then is my answer
to that burning question . . . .

"Mary Where Art Thou"

Where art thou my Mary, My dear Highland lassie,
Were you real and alive or maybe Rab's fantasy
Did you meet as designed on the banks of the Fail
On that Sunday in question, or was it a tale?

Did you exchange vows of love and accept the Good Book
That Robert inscribed there and you possibly took
Across the water to Dunoon and your Heeland hame
There to wait the word that surely would came.

The Port of Greenock where you promised to meet
And sail to the Indies, farewell and retreat.
So long to auld Scotia, we'll see you nae mair
The Nancy awaits us, and parting is sair.

Before we could board her you died in that Port
They said of a fever, was the cause, by report,
And HE did not know that you had been ill
We miss you today and forever after all will.

Oh! Mary, Where Art Thou, My Highland Lassie be
You truly were real, my heart's sadder withoot ye,
They took you to rest there in heaven above,
Rab's Highland Lassie and dear departed Love.

By Frank Campbell



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